
In the Graduate Schools

April 26-27 Chosen as Date of Annual Theological School Entertainment

April 26 and 27 have been chosen as the dates for the annual "visitation week" of the Theological School. The program, which has just been completed, will be featured by the annual Dudletan and Ingersoll Lectures. Formerly, "visitation week" occupied from three to five days; this year, only two days have been set aside for it.

This year's "visitation week" will have for its speakers Professor J. B. Hopes '89 Dean of the Theological School, Professor E. C. Moore '03 Professor James Ford '05, Reverend B. R. Bulkeley '82, Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick, of the Union Theological Seminary, New York, Reverend E. C. Park, Honorable Bliss Perry '25', Francis Lee Higginson, Professor of English Literature, Dr. Alfred Worcester '78, Henry K. Oliver, Professor of Hygiene, and Reverend A. B. Whitney, '02. In addition to the addresses, there will be teas and dinners for the visitors. "Visitation week" is intended primarily for all the alumni of the Harvard Theological School. The complete program follows:

Tuesday, April 26

2.30 o'clock, Opening Session Chapel of Andover Hall. Devotional Service will be led by Professor Ropes.

2.45 o'clock, The Dudleian Lecture, "On Revealed Religion," by Professor Moore.


3.45 o'clock, Book Reviews. "Social Ethics" by Professor Ford.

4.30 o'clock, Tea in the Farrar Room.

5.15 o'clock, Chapel service in Divinity Chapel by Reverend Bulkeley.

8.00 o'clock, The Ingersoll Lecture "On Immortality", Sanders Theatre, by Professor Fosdick.

Wednesday, April 27.

10.30 o'clock, Alumni Meeting in Divinity Chapel. Address, "A Controlling Ministry", by Reverend Park.

1 o'clock, Alumni Luncheon in the Farrar Room, Andover Hall.

2.30 o'clock, Address, "Emerson at Harvard", in the Chapel of Andover Hall Professor Perry.

3.30 o'clock, Address, "Morals and Instincts" by Dr. Worcester.

5.15 o'clock, Chapel Service in Divinity Chapel, conducted by Reverend Whitney.

6.30 o'clock, Dinner at the Harvard Union, where members of the Visitation are to be guests of the Society for Promoting Theological Education.
