

In announcing the date of its Sanders Theatre concert, the Glee Club is once more strengthening an occasion which members of the University have come to accept as an institution. Certainly this body of excellently trained singers, led under the direction of Dr. Davison, has done more than any other non-athletic organization to increase the fame of Harvard as regards extra-curricular activities. Pursuing a definite artistic goal and making no attempt to cater to any other public than that of the highest artistic taste, the Glee Club has won for itself a reputation which bids fair to become international. Its participation in the Beethoven festival, its tours, its Symphony Hall concerts, have made it recognized as one of the few non-professional choruses with a distinct musical value.

One might safely say that no concert on the Club's schedule is more thoroughly appreciated than that which is to take place on Friday night. Perhaps it is the restricted audience or the fact that the organization is performing at home--but there is an undoubted verve in the performance. Nor are the listeners unappreciative; their visible enjoyment is a credit to the ability of both the Glee Club and its leader. Here, at least, is one activity which has yet to be over-emphasized.
