


Final plans for the southern trip of the University's lacrosse team with the list of men who will tour the south were decided on yesterday. The first team, which will play the three games in the south will be composed of G. A. Weiler '29, g,; Ernest Gamache '27, p,; Ira Markwett '29, c.p,; G.H. Lane '28, Ld,; Madison Sayles '27, s. d,; S. P. Park '29, t.d,; R.L. Hatch '28, c,; G.C. Dreier '28, i. a,; R.F. Murphy '27, s. a; M.W. Lian '27, i.a,; C.O. Simpson '27, o. h,; H.G. Wallace '28, i. h. Seven other men, who are H.L. Elison '28, C.D. McQuaid '28, L.M. Shapiro '29, Crawford North '28, W.E. Culver ocC, H. D. Stone '29 and J.R. Murphy '29, will accompany the team.

The twelve stick men will leave on Monday for Philadelphia where on the next day they will play the University of Pennsylvania. After a dinner in Philadelphia the team will leave for Baltimore which will be its center for the rest of the week. All day Wednesday will be spent practicing at the Mount Washington Athletic Club Field and the second game of the trip will be played outside of Washington at College Park with the University of Maryland on the afternoon of the next day. After the game the team will return to Baltimore for dinner and to spend the night. All day Friday will be spent practicing again at the Mount Washington Athletic Club, and on the next afternoon the University, will meet the club team, which is one of the best in the south. That evening the team will be entertained with a dinner and dance at the club. They will return on the Sunday morning train via the Hell Gate.

The Pennsylvania team was beaten by Yale 10-5 last week. Last year it was the only team beaten by the Oxford-Cambridge lacrosse combination. The University of Maryland, however, has one of the best teams in the south.
