

Cabot and Malott to Give Course on Public Utility Management--Sachs on Museum Problems

One hundred and eighty-two courses, given by 82 Harvard Professors and Instructors in the country, will be given from July 5 to August 14 at the Harvard Summer School. Plans for the 1927 session were announced last night by the Director, Professor A. C. Hanford '17.

Several of the courses to be offered, this year are somewhat different from those of previous years. One is a course on Public Utility Management and Economics by Philip Cabot '94 and Deane W. Malott '23 of the Harvard Business School. Another is one of Museum Problems and Management by Professor Paul J. Sachs '00, Associate Director of the Fogg Art Museum.

Other new courses include the History of the Renaissance and Modern Art by Dean George 'H. Edgell '09, the Romantic Movement in English Literature and the Influence of Celtic Romance on English Literature by Professor T. P. Cross '10 of the University of Chicago; the History of the English Language in America by Professor Henry Alexander of Queen's University, Canada, the History of the Novel in France by Professor Albert Schinz of Smith College; International Relations and Government by Professor A. N. Holcombe '06; the History of Political Theory by Professor C. H. McHwain '03; American Colonial History and New Points of View in American History by Professor M. W. Jernegan of the University of Chicago; the Foundations of Geometry and Relativity by Professor George D. Birkhoff '04; and Present Philosophical Tendencies by Professor Edward G. Spaulding of Princeton.

The Summer School will also offer for the first time in Cambridge a general course in Geology as well as a special field course to be conducted at Banff, in Alberta, Canada.

The new courses in Education include such subjects as Education for Character; Extra-Curricular Activities in the Secondary School; Educational Statistics; and Problems in Manual Training and Mechanics Arts Education.


The new demonstration courses will include one on Dramatization in the Schools, and one on the teaching of Reading, Composition and Arithmetic in the fifth and sixth grades.
