
Dramatic Club Artists Move

Driven from their barn on Church Street by building wreckers, preparing for the widening of the street, the Stage and Art Departments of the Dramatic Club have been forced to seek a new location in which to carry on their work.

Since the performances of "The Orange Comedy" last fall, curtains and costumes have so filled the club rooms in Ridgely Annex that it has been next to impossible to hold meetings there. This condition however, has been remedied; through the kindness of Professor Francke, Professor Emeritus and Honorary Curator of the Germanic Museum, and the University authorities, the spacious basement of the Germanic Museum have been placed at the disposal of the Club. Here will be prepared the sets for the coming production in modern dress and action of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew".

As yet no definite plans have been announced as to where the Club will prepare its flys and drops after this season. Since the Germanic Museum can be used only this year, some other arrangements will have to be made. It is probable that, as formerly was done, some barn, whose days of usefulness are over will be found and transformed into a studio.
