

Morrill Will be Powerful Cog as Cage Guardian--Tudor and Stanley Form Nucleus of Team

John Peirce Chase '28 of Milton was elected captain of the 1928 hockey team at a meeting of the letter men yesterday afternoon. Chase, who has been a regular on the sextet for the past two years, was one of the main cogs in the team's offense this winter.

He prepared for college at Milton, where he was one of the outstanding players on the team during his last two years. As a Freshman, he played center on the 1928 sextet.

Although this season's formidable team will be considerably weakened by the loss of Captain Ellison, Scott, Zarakov, Hamlen, Gross, Clark and Coady, a good nucleus for next season still remains.

Morrill at goal, provides the 1928 sextet with splendid protection in that department, while the return of Tudor, Chase and Stanley will afford a good forward line.

The Freshman sextet should provide several good players, particularly in Summers and Lakin, flashy forwards of the first year squad.


With the post of coach of the sextet now vacant due to the resignation of E. L. Bigelow '21, it is at present unknown who will succeed to the position. Mentor for the last three years, Bigelow produced two of the best sextets Harvard has over had. During his period, 27 games have been won as opposed to two ties and nine defeats, and the series with Yale has been won for the past two seasons.
