
Peabody Speaks at P. B. H.

Dr. Francis Greenwood Peabody '69, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Emeritus, will speak on "The Social Teachings of Jesus" at the Phillips Brooks House tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The lecture, which is open to members of the University, is one of the series on religion offered under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association.

Dr. Peabody has become celebrated as a preacher, professor, dean, and author. After preaching for some years after graduating from the Divinity School, he returned to the School in 1881 as a member of the faculty.

Among the books which have contributed to Dr. Peabody's fame in the world of letters are: "Jesus and the Social Question", "Sunday Evenings in the College Chapel", "The Religious Education of an American Citizen", and "A New England Romance".
