
Advent of Cinema Scouts to Bring Joy to Owners of Grecian Profiles--Hollywood Seeks Shipment of College Apollos

Following by a year's interval the photographers who snapped Harvard scenery for last season's eventful production of "Brown of Harvard", the motion pictures clan will again invade Cambridge and vicinity. But this time it will be for the glorification of the Harvard man and not the institution.

Opening in the middle of April, First National Pictures will launch a campaign to secure for the screen those Grecian visages which to date have been obscured by the dust of the pursuit of knowledge. The fortunate youths will forthwith be shipped prepaid to Burbank, California where they will be tested thoroughly for eight weeks at $50 per week. Should the neophytes meet with the approbation and unqualified admiration of this branch of the cinema world, they will be reengaged on a scale of rapidly mounting salaries.

But Harvard alone is not to be favored by this cinematic condescension; all the "leading" colleges of the East and West will be visited. The date announced, for the Cantabridgian invasion is April 23, but it is expected that when First National hears that at this time its prospective stars will be at home enjoying the exploits of present celebrities of the screen world, the date of Harvard's golden opportunity will be advanced.

According to the information supplied by the studio "advance men and a crew of assistants will arrive at the college about a months before the actual shooting dates. Any man enrolled at the college is eligible to submit himself to the examiner. Make-up experts will prepare him so that he is given every advantage. Attempts will be made to register each point of his facial feature and personality, also his pose and ability to respond to suggested acting."

With such opportunities before them. Harvard men will undoubtedly rise to the occasion, and the threatened scarcity of handsome males in Movieland will be obliterated by an ingratiating influx of visages fit only to adorn the epics of the celluloid drama.
