

Was Mistaken for a Second Story Man, He Tells Crimson Reporter--Left Without a Cent

Dr. W. T. Grenfell, famous Labrador settler who lectured last night at the Phillips Brooks House told a CRIMSON reporter an amusing story of how he was almost shot as a burgler on one of his earlier visits to Cambridge.

"Several years ago", said Dr. Grenfell, 'I was staying in Cambridge only a short while and returning from a dance, was trying to find the club where I was spending the night. I thought that I had found the right house and, was stealthily entering a window so as not to awaken the people who were already in bed, when the lights suddenly went on and a nervous man with a revolver ordered me to 'Put them up'"

Explaining that he probably found the wrong house he withdrew and without a cent in his pocket in the early hours of the morning was on the street with no place to go.

The reporter was all ears to hear what had happened next, but at this moment Mrs. Grenfell rushed up to announce that the "engineer", the man who was to operate the doctors slides, had falled to put in an appearance. So perturbed was Dr. Grenfell that the story never was finished, and probably never will be.
