

The Student Vagabond has recently been accused of indulging all too frequently in "most just positively gorgeous non sequitura" and while the accusation is perhaps, true, the Vagabond sees no reason why he should be deprived of this harmless and very pleasant pastime. In any case he is going to indulge himself today, so any reader who wishes to peruse something pertinent had better turn to the adjoining column.

At 2 o'clock this afternoon in Harvard 3, Mr. B. F. Wright will speak on Sociological Jurisprudence--"a window-dressing title," says Mr. Wright, "for some remarks on the newer tendencies in American law, procedural and substantive." It has suggested itself to the Vagabond as he was musing on the meaning of those two crisp and noble words Sociological Jurisprudence--that the "signs wit hindications" are pointing to the need for speedy changes in American law. Much might be said of the sociological aspects of the recent much bruited crime wave--the Vagabond is not going to say anything about them. Much more might be said about the notorious post-war lapse in morality, one of whose many peculiarities evidences itself in the writing of indecent literature and bad verses--but the Holy See has recently come out with the statement that those days are passing. So the Vagabond will not discuss that. In fact he advises anyone who really wishes to learn something about the subject to see Mr. Wright at 2 o'clock.

And if any reader of this column fails at least to try and get a ticket for tonight's performance of Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, which is being given in Symphony Hall at 8.15 o'clock, he deserves to have his name struck from the role of Vagabondier, for he will have missed the greatest musical event of the season. But if he can't get in tonight, he can probably go Sunday afternoon.

Lectures of interest are:

9 O'clock


"Industrial Aspects of the Problem of Understanding," Mr. E. D. Smith, Emerson A. Social Ethics 9.

10 O'clock

"The Annexation of Texas," Dr. Baxter, Sever 35, History 18.

"Barbarian Kingdom," Dr. Dickinson, Sever 18, Government 16b

11 O'clock

"Heine," Professor Howard, Germanic Museum, German 25b.

8 O'clock

"King Henry IV," Professor Kittredge, Sanders Theatre, Dowse Institute Lecture.
