

To Give First Lecture in Business School Innovation in Morning--Talk at Union to Begin at 1 O'clock

Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, will speak in the Living Room of the Union at 1 o'clock today. His talk will follow shortly after a lecture given in the new Business School course on the Motion Picture Industry.

His views on the motion picture industry will be the subject of his Union speech. As general supervisor of the entire business he is in intimate touch with its problems and policies. He was formerly Postmaster General under President Harding, but resigned that position to assume the task of straightening out the difficulties which the new and rapidly growing movie industry was encountering. Since he assumed the newly created office, motion picture companies have eliminated many of the evils which formerly retarded their progress. He will tell of what has been done in this industry, and what he expects of its future.

Mr. Hays is here as a guest of the Graduate School of Business Administration, to whose members he will speak earlier in the day. No one but members of the course in Business Policy will be admitted to that lecture, however. He will address them on the prospects which his business offers to them. It seeks executives with a higher education for the numerous important positions which are constantly opening to competent men. Until recently these have been filled by men who have necessarily risen rapidly with the growth of motion pictures in the last quarter century. Now, as in several other American industries, these positions are being more and more filled by college-trained men.

Mr. Hays will be introduced to the Business School students by J. P. Kennedy '12, President of Film Booking Offices of America, the company which releases the work of the larger producers. It was he who arranged the series of lectures to be given at the Business School by the leaders of the important moving picture firms.
