

Coach Haines Speaks to Large Number of Candidates

One hundred and fifty first year men reported last night at the initial meeting of the 1930 crew season in the Smith Halls Common Room. C. H. Weymer '27, manager of the University eights, presided over the assemblage, at which captain Geoffrey Platt '27, Coach E. L. Brown '96, and H. H. Haines, Freshman crew mentor, spoke.

Platt, first speaker of the evening, explained the necessity of learning the fundamentals during the first year in college. "Furthermore," he stated, "the University crews always watch the first year men very carefully, and take a great deal of interest in their work. A good Freshman crew is the greatest encouragement for us."

Coach Haines briefly outlined the season's work. The oarsmen will work on the machine until the river opens up. He expects to put the shells on the river during the last three weeks in March, when the men will be roughly graded. Around the first of April the 1930 squad, consisting of three heavy crews and three 150-pound eights, will be chosen.
