

Joliet and New Haven

"I think you Yale boys are just too sweet," said Miss Lois Delander, Miss America, when interviewed by a News representative recently. "I have been having the best time in New Haven and I think the boys here are so much nicer than college people other places. No, I haven't been to Boston yet, but I am sure the fellows there couldn't give me as nice a time."

Known as the best looking girl in America Miss Delander still retains her charming simplicity and easy manner. Coming from a little town in Illinois she seems refreshing in her naivete.

"As to my future plans," Lois continued, "I may go into the movies or I may go to Australia. I have always longed to travel and see all the strange things. A European tour has also been offered me.

"New Haven seems very much like Joliet to me in its air. Of course it's a big city, but every one is so nice.

"No, I haven't been seeing much night life in my trip so far. I have to work too hard on the stage so I'm just too tired to do anything. You know early to bed is the only way to retain your complexion." Yale News.
