

The fifth Confidential Guide, appearing in this morning's CRIMSON is one more effort to analyze seriously and to present from the student's point of view a portion of the many courses offered the undergraduate. The aims and motives of the Guide are treated in the foreword to the list of courses themselves; only the advisability of such a critique remains to be discussed.

Three years ago at the first appearance of the Guide, it was severely criticized as being presumptious. And those who believe that education is a monologue by a teacher instead of a reciprocal, entente between teacher and student doubtless will still consider the project presumptuous, for to such people any interpretation of one's studies from a subjective point of view is an anomaly. Others there are however, who welcome the student's reaction to his courses, whether offered merely as an emotional outlet or as a guide to succeeding students; and be it said immediately that the latter is the governing console for the present effort. It is for this class as well as for undergraduates that the CRIMSON offers the patchwork of the Guide, hoping that its sincerity at least may remain requestioned, however much the individual reader may differ from stated opinions on the several courses.
