

Noted Editor of The Nation to Speak at P. B. H. Tonight--Professor Langer to Present Him at 7.30 'clock

Discussing "The Ethics of Journalism," Oswald Garrison Villard '93 will appear this evening at 7.30 o'clock in Peabody Hall at the Phillips Brooks House, as the second speaker of the year under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association. He will be introduced by Assistant Professor W. L. Langer '15, of the Division of History, Government, and Economics.

Mr. Villard, the editor of The Nation, a magazine in which he expresses his own strong and rather radical political theories, has had wide-reaching experience as a journalist. After teaching at the University for two years following his graduation in 1893, he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Press in 1896, and a year later took up editorial writing for the New York Evening Post. He rose rapidly in his profession and soon became president of the Evening Post. Selling out his interests in this paper in 1918, he founded in that year the New York Nation, which he nows owns and edits. Mr. Villard is also the owner of the Nautical Gazette, of New York, and the author of various historical and political books.
