

Basketball Opening Will Launch Athletes on Winter Trails--Hockey to Wait for Charlesbank Ice

With the opening of the Freshman basketball season Monday, the entire program of Freshman winter sports will be under way, with the exception of hockey, which will not start until ice forms on the Charlesbank rinks. The last fall sport for satisfying the Freshman physical exercise requirement ended yesterday when the touch football season came to a close.

Until the first year men who have been playing football, soccer, and touch football enroll in the various winter sports, the latter will not be able to count on their full rosters. Men on the Freshman football squad, and soccer players, will have a respite until December 5, but touch football players must start some new sport Monday.

The first meeting of Freshman basketball will be held Monday at 5 o'clock in the Freshman Athletic Building. Practice will be held thereafter from 4 to 6 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 5 to 6.30 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

The Freshman basketball schedule follows:

January 7, Tilton.


January 11, Open.

January 14, Andover.

January 19, Cushing.

January 21, St. Johns.

February 4, Exeter, at Exeter.

February 7, Milton, at Milton.

February 11, Open.

February 15, Worcester, at Worcester.

February 18, Choate.

February 22, M. I. T., at M. I. T.

February 25, Dartmouth.

February 29, St. Georges.

March 3, Yale, at New Haven.
