
The Student Vagabond

Anyone who has taken History 1 knows Peter the Great of Russia, and has labeled him a fine old fellow who went West, pushing against the tide of the Drang Nach Ostne, and came back to make his subjects shave their beards, build a navy, and become generally enlightened.

Besides his achievements along these lines, Peter was the true founder of the Russian Empire that endured in solitary state for two centuries, and only fell in the overthrow of Nicholas in 1915. His war with Sweden that gave him, after the Battle of Pultowa, the hegemony of Northern Europe, was one of the greatest military campaigns of history, and the edifice which Peter founded was a lasting tribute to the genius and leadership of the man.

Professor Karpovich will discuss Peter the Great in Sever 21 at 10 o'clock today.

Other lectures of interest today and tomorrow include:



9 O'clock

"The Legal and Judicial System in England," Professor Munro, New Lecture Hall.

"Maurice Barries," Professor Morize, Sever 14.

10 O'clock

"Loyalist Writers in America," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.

12 O'clock

"The Development of French Gothic," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.


9 O'clock

"The Empire and the Papacy," Professor Merriman, New Lecture Hall.

11 O'clock

"George Eliot," Professor Maynadier. Sever 11.

12 O'clock

"Middleton, the English Dramatist," Professor Hillibrand, Harvard 3.
