

The Peabody Museum is awaiting the arrival tomorrow of 100 skeletons, shipped from Merida, the capital city of Yucatan, by permission of the Mexican Government, in the interests of a study of race mixtures being conducted by the authropology department of the Museum.

Dr. G. D. Williams, who recently returned from an anthropological expedition in Mexico obtained the consent of the authorities to export the skeletons, and selected the specimens being forwarded to the University from the grave yards of Merida. The purpose of procuring the skeletons it to supplement measurements taken among the natives during the recent expedition, according to Dr. Williams.

The investigations of racial types and mixtures in Yucatan is part of an extensive survey being made by the anthropology department in North Africa, Central America, and Mexico. Dr. Williams' recent investigations were made in the neighborhood of the ancient city of Chichen-Itza, which is being reconstructed by the Carnegie Institution.
