

E. M. Rowe '27, Now in Law School, Will Coach -- To Hold Tryouts Monday

The question to be debated on October 28 by Harvard and a team compos of representatives of three English universities is: "Resolved, That the fetish of efficiency is a deplorable feature of modern life." The question of which Harvard is to support the affirmative, was chosen last night at an open meeting of the Debating Council in Harvard 6 from a list of six subjects suggested by the English team.

A. F. Reel '28, president of the University Debating Council, introduced Professor F. C. Packard '20 of the Department of Public Speaking, who will coach the delivery of the debating team this year. Professor Packard discussed the factors which make for successful public speaking.

Reel also announced that E. M. Rowe '27 former University debater here, who is now in the Law School will be coach of the case.

The tryouts for the University team will be held Monday at 7.30 o'clock in Harvard 6. Candidates are to prepare five minute speeches on either side of the question. All undergraduates in good standing are eligible for the team.
