
In the Graduate Schools

First Year Men to Be Divided Into Courts of Eight

The Ames Competition will begin with the organization of first-year Law men into courts of eight men each at a meeting for all first-year Law students on Monday at 2 o'clock. Division I of the class will meet in Langdell Centre and Division 2 in Austin North. Professor E. H. Warren '95 and Professor J. H. Beale '82 will speak on the Ames Competition and on the use of the library.

This competition lasts three years and consists of debates between the courts of the various Law School Clubs. During the first year, after the first-year men have been organized into courts, the qualifying round takes place. Each man must argue at least three cases during the year. He must argue the first case alone against a member of his own club, the second with the help of a member of his club against two other members of it, and the third with the help of one of his fellows against two members of another club. In the second year, an elimination round is held in which the various clubs argue a certain number of cases, with each other. The eight organizations with the highest percentage of victories are matched in the quarter finals. In the third year the semifinals and finals take place.

The four clubs in the semi-finals this year have already begun preparing their briefs for the semi-final debates, which will take place on November 17 and 18. The Beale Club is scheduled to meet the Sanford Club, and the Bryce-Powell Club is scheduled to meet the Scott Club.
