
Minnesota or Notre Dame Would Sweep Harvard Ends for 40 Points Says Indiana Wingman--Coach Page Praises Crimson

"If Harvard were to play Notre Dame or Minnesota, she would be beaten by a score of 40 to 0," stated W. D. Baker, left end of the Indiana team, to a CRIMSON reporter after Saturday's game. Another Indiana player who was standing next to Baker as they were dressing in the Soldiers Field Locker Building concurred in this opinion.

Baker based his assumption on the playing of the Crimson tackles and ends, whom he stated "would not stand a chance before the sweeping end plays of the Notre Dame or Minnesota teams."

"Both the ends and tackles played inside too much," he said "with the result that they could be taken out without difficulty."

The Indiana and declined to discuss Indiana's loss and contented himself by saying. "Harvard had the power and once it got the ball was almost certain to score or come mighty near it. But we did." Baker added with a smile, "hold them twice on the two inch line."

Coach Haylan Page of the Hoosier team had nothing but praise for the work of the Harvard players.


"I was much impressed with the power and keenness that your men displayed," he said. "I think they have profited a good deal by the lesson that Purdue gave them in the western open style of play. The passing was good and the men were quick on their feet.

"The consistent line bucking which Harvard uses reminds me of the Chicago tacties which we came up against three weeks ago and which proved too much for us. I was gratified to see our men able to hold Harvard for downs not only once but two, three and four times, showing that they have improved somewhat in their defense.

Jewett Hull the Hoosier captain also had high praise for the Crimson. He said that the game was a good exhibition of sportsmanship and gave Harvard credit for being one of the stiffest teams Indiana has met this year. Bull praised the ends of the Crimson line which he found to be much better than reports had stated.

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