

Military Students Here Are Men of Long Experience--Chosen by War Department Heads

A liberal sprinkling of full fledged military officers is one of the notable characteristics of the University student body this year.

In addition to the naval officers who are studying in the Engineering School, there are 16 army officers, and six naval officers in the Business School, taking the full two year course in business administration.

The officers are chosen by the heads of their various departments to study the business problems involved in the tremendous purchases incidental to military operations, and are studying the broad principles of business administration rather than the details of any particular civilian industry. The purpose of the work being done by these officers, many of whom have already attained the rank of major, is to establish a contact with modern civilian business methods which the officers find indispensible, but cannot obtain by participation in civilian business firms.

The army officers in their second year of study are: Majors W. A. Borden, Ordnance Department; D. Hartman, Q. M. C.; R. F. Maddox, Chemical Warfare Service; F. F. Scowden, Q. M. C.; R. H. Somers, Ordnance Department; and Captain J. T. Watson Signal Corps.

The second year naval officers are: Lieutenants A. B. Clark, D. W. Mitchell. Roark Montgomery, and J. H. Skillman.


The first year army officers are: Majors E. B. Gregory, Q. M. C.; C. C. Oakes, Finance Department; C. A. Waldmann. Ordnance Department; Captains H. M. Black, Chemical Warfare Service; J. H. B. Bogman, Signal Corps; J. D. M. McIntyre, Ordnance Department; H. M. Jones, Q. M. C.; and Lieutenants P. F. Powers, Chemical Warfare Service; H. A. Woodward, Air Service: and J. Y. York Jr., Air Service.

The first year naval officers are Lieutenants W. A. Best, and Arthur Rembert, both of the Supply Corps.
