

Initial Encounter of Four Intramural Leagues Held Yesterday--Complete Schedule to Be Announced

The first touch football game of the season held yesterday between the Trident Club and the Sigma Alpha Mu squad resulted in a 3-0 victory for the Tridents. The score, which for touch football indicates an unusually tight game, was made by W. L. Taylor '30 on a placement kick. The next game on the intramural touch football schedule will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock when the Staplers Club and Kappa Sigma fraternity clash.

Touch football was inaugurated last year as a part of the "Athletics for All" program of the Harvard Athletics Association and proved popular enought to make its continuance this year worth while.

Four leagues were formed this fall under the direction of A. W. Samborski 3G., of the Department of Physical Education. At the end of the four or five week season, a round robin of the league champions will be played off to determine the intramural champion. The response to intramural touch football has not been as large as was anticipated, so that any groups wishing to enter teams are asked to communicate with Somborski at Wadsworth House.
