
In the Graduate Schools

Open House Tonight to Inaugurate Series of Receptions

The first open house of a series inaugurated this year for graduate students by the Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House Association will be held tonight from 7.30 to 9 o'clock at the Phillips Brooks House, Professor E. M. Morgan '02 of the Law School will talk of "Extra-curricular Education." Music will be furnished by a quartet from the Harvard Glee Club, and refreshments will be served.

An open house will be held under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society on the third Thursday of every month under the direction of J. A. Lane 31., chairman of the Open House Committee, to enable the graduate students of the University to become acquainted with each other. There will also be three or four dances under the direction of F. P. Taft '30, to enable graduate students to meet some of the graduate students of Radcliffe College. Saturday hikes will be sponsored throughout
