
The Plot Gets Thickish


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

In spite of this salutation, my letter is not directed to you. I address rather the editors of the Lampoon, and in thus doing hope for an exception to the CRIMSON rule against unsigned letters, as well as a temporary burial of the inter-publication hatchet. This is a matter of college honor, not to be thwarted I hope by petty feeling.

I am (I believe) the only undergraduate in Harvard University who knows who cut down your tree. The reason for my previous anonymity must be clear to you, for at the disclosure of my name, the guilty parties would be hot upon my trail.

With confidence that is pathetic to me, who already knows its destiny, you are setting out a new tree. My pride in my college will not allow me to silently observe a repetition of the episode. I beg of you, unless you already know the perpetrators of this outrage, to inform me through the columns of the CRIMSON as to where I can talk with one of you unobserved. Very truly yours,   A Friend.
