

To The Editor of The CRIMSON:

Why not add another question to the application card for seats at football games, namely: Do you intend to be drunk at this game? It would then be possible to have a Guzzler's Section and the common run of spectators could be spared from synthetic fumes and maudlin comments.

At the game with Purdue I sat near a group of Harvard undergraduates accompanied by young women. One of the men carried a large square bottle which he planted ostentatiously between his feet. It was filled with courage and nepenthe and its owner was hospitable to a fault.

For several years there has been open drinking in the stands at football games, especially late in the season, and the custom seems to be on the increase among both graduates and undergraduates. One does not have to advocate prohibition to deplore this fact. It is a poor kind of college spirits that is uncorked by tipsy fingers. Herbert J. Spinden '06.
