
Freshman Swordsmen Chosen

At a Freshman fencing meet yesterday afternoon the 1930 fencing squad was chosen, at the end of a series of bouts judged by members of the University squad. Out of about 30 candidates, ten men were selected who will constitute a tentative Freshman squad. Unsuccessful candidates may challenge any of these men for their places on the squad.

Each man fought five bouts against his classmates, the squad being chosen from those who won three or more. Few of the candidates have had any practice fencing with each other, although they have been receiving instruction from Coach Danguy since about the beginning of November.

The ten Freshmen selected are: W. C. Bidlack, J. W. Darling, R. W. Ehrick, P. W. Karr, R. H. Leonard, D. I. Modell, L. F. Muther, B. S. Newhall, J. S. Oettinger, H. W. Skinner.

The newly organized squad will practice with the University squad from now on, it was announced by R. P. Outerbridge '28, captain of the Crimson fencers. Three men will be selected to represent 1930 in the intercollegiate matches, although it is not probable that the same men will be chosen every time.
