

The announcement, some months ago, of the opening of the movie theatre in the Square was greeted with high hopes by those who usually go to Boston for the purpose of killing an evening. It is a sad fact that these hopes have not been entirely realized. With few exceptions the pictures at the new theatre have been dull--in fact, terrible.

Managing a movie theatre is undoubtedly a much harder job than it seems to the average patron who yawns and wishes he had gone in town instead; but it does seem probable that one good picture on each bill would draw a better crowd than two poor ones, eked out with an act of fifth-rate vaudeville. Of what use are ushers in natty uniforms, radio set in the lobby, and all the luxury of the Pharoahs, in the pictures on the screen are specimens of Hollywood at its worst. Movies in the Square, especially at such times of stress as examinations always bring, could be a welcome and convenient opportunity of clearing one's mind of one subject before cramming it with another. The management should learn that there are movies--and movies.
