

1927 Chief Marshal Picked From Class Celebrating 25th Anniversary--Prominent in Class Affairs

Barrett Wendell Jr. '02 of Chicago, an Overseer of Harvard College, has been chosen Chief Marshal of the Alumni for the 1927 Commencement exercises.

Nominated by his classmates of 1902 Mr. Wendell was elected by the Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association in accordance with the custom of the chief marshals being selected each year from the class which will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of its graduation from college.

Mr. Wendell is a son of Professor Barrett Wendell '77, who died in 1921. As an undergraduate, he was captain of the baseball team, and served as coach in 1903. He was secretary of his class until 1922, when he resigned because of taking up his residence in Chicago. From 1911 till 1919, he was a member of the Graduate Baseball Committee of Harvard. In 1925 he was elected a member of the Board of Overseers.

Is Member of Lee, Higginson

In 1904 Wendell was admitted to the Suffolk Bar and for a time served in the Far East as secretary to the Hon. Edwin Morgan, consul at Dalny. After working with the law firm of Hill, Barlow, and Homans, he joined Lee, Higginson and Company, being admitted to partnership in 1918. He was vice-president of the Harvard Club of Chicago, chairman of the Northwest District and member of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Council of Boy Scouts, and on the Publicity Committee of the Liberty Loan Organization during the first four Loans
