

University and Freshmen Will Meet the Invaders on Soldiers Field--Seconds Play Brown 1929 Away

HARVARD  HOLYCROSS Jones c.f.  2b. McMahon Zarakov 3b.  3b. Walsh Ellison r.f.  s.s. Cote Todd l.f.  r.f. Morrissey Tobin 1b.  c.f. Savage Sullivan s.s.  l.f. Freeman Ullman 2b.  lb. McEntee Chauncey c.  c. Doherty Booth p.  p. Fons or Davidson

Not since the first game of the 1920 series has a University baseball team defeated a Holy Cross nine. Today at 4 o'clock on Soldiers Field the Crimson will attempt to break the five years losing record, against a Purple aggregation minus the great Owen Carroll, but again ranked as one of the strongest college teams in the East. At the same time the Harvard and Holy Cross first year squads will battle for supremacy on the Freshman diamond, and the University Seconds will journey to Providence to meet the Brown 1929 team.

Purple Has Strong Record

Last Saturday, while the University team was proving its title as a dangerous contender in collegiate circles with a win over the strong Pennsylvania nine, the Crusaders defeated the formidable Fordham ball tossers for their seventh victory out of nine starts this season. The Worcester team continued to hit the ball hard behind the masterly hurling of Fons, the Freshman find who has won five tussels this year without a loss. The only set backs suffered by the Purple squad this season have been at the hands of Dartmouth and the Quantico Marines. The latter were downed in the first game, however. Davidson, the big Holy Cross right hander who was ranked nearly on a par with Carroll last year, held the Green hitters to one blow until the ninth.

Davidson, who has been out of the game for several contests with a sore arm, started the third game of the season for Holy Cross against Georgetown and held his opponents to six hits, winning 1 to 0. If Eons has not had sufficient rest since the Fordham clash, it is probable that Davidson will open against the Crim- son batters today. A week from last Saturday, Fons allowed the Princeton sluggers only seven hits and the Crusaders managed to nose out a 5 to 4 win.


Opposing Pitchers Good

The strength of the invading squad lies in its pitchers and the inner defense.

Booth will probably be Coatch Mitchell's choice to take the hill today at the start. He has not worked since the Amherst game, when he hurled a five hit contest. The University mentor will not choose the pitcher until just before the teams take the field, and it is possible that either Barbee or Cutts will be given the mound assignment. Following the Pennsylvania win, Zarakov is leading the hitters with an average well over 300.

Freshman to Have Struggle

The strong Freshman nine will also face stiff competition today when it clashes with the Crusader first-year squad. The visitors have a 6 to 1 triumph over the Exeter diamond squad to their credit. Two days after bowing to Holy Cross, the same school boy team handed the Freshman a 9 to 8 beating to spoil a record of six straight wins and no defeats. Mooney will probably take up the pitching burden for the visitors, while either Ketchum, Whitemore, or Malley, may be called on to puzzle the Worcester batsmen. The Crimson batting order will probably line up with Miyakawa at short stop, Crotty in center field. Donaghy at third base, Durkee in left field, Prier at first base, McGehee in right field Elkins at second base, and Dewing, catcher.

The Seconds, fresh from their win over Andover last Saturday, will have a good opportunity to add a win to their record today at the hands of the Brown Freshmen at Providence. The Crimson 1929 squad pounded out a 10 to 2 triumph over the defenders last week, and judging by the showing of the Seconds at Andover, they should repeat the victory today. Mosely will probably face the Hear first year hitters, with Nash to reserve
