
P. B. H. Committees Submit Annual Reports

St. Paul's Society Resume Calls Work of Lawrence and Hicks "Vital"

The activities of the St. Paul's Society or the academic year 1925-26 began with the annual reception for men connected with the Episcopal church entering the University for the first time. This was held on the first evening of the academic in the parish House of Christ Church. Rev. Prescott Evarts, Rector of the Church, introduced the speakers Dr. S. S. Drury, headmaster of St. Paul's School, Rev Frederick C. Lawrence, Professor Julian Coolidge and the president of the Society. The reception was very successful, with an attendance of about 125.

50 attend communion

On October 4th the first Communion Service was held in Appleton Chapel the attendance was about 50. These services have been continued through the year in Appleton Chapel on the first Sunday of the month and other Sundays in the Chapel of the St. Paul's Society in the Phillips Brooks House.

On December 8 Rt. Rev. Lloyd Jones gave a short address followed by discussion.

The Social Service work of the Society has been conducted with the aid of Rev. f. C. Lawrence and Rev. W. C. Hicks. About 25 men have been engaged in the work, all of which has been of a definite religious nature.


But of more importance than these obvious activities is the influence which Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Hicks are exerting upon the students of the college. These men, appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese, to act as student chaplains, have devoted their time and energy to bring to the individual student the true, vital significance of the Christian way of life. Their work, by the very nature of it, has been slow and gradual, but is having a deep effect which can not help but grow.

The following officers have been appointed for the following year:

S. H. Sturgis '26, President,

F. w. Green '28, Vice-President,

R. H. Thomas '27, Secretary.

J. D. Hubbard '29, Treasurer.
