

Governor Is Toastmaster--Copeland Will Read at Harvard Club in Main Event of Evening.

The detailed program including the list of speakers and events for the annual Graduates' Day which will be held on May 1 this year and which will be conducted by the New England Federation of Harvard Clubs in cooperation with the Student Council, were announced by the committee in charge last night. The active participation of undergraduates in the festivities and the invitation of the parents of graduates, students now in the University, and those who contemplate sending sons to Harvard in the future, are among the radical innovations which are expected to make the gathering of alumni one of the most unique in years.

The day will open with a meeting in the Faculty Room of University Hall at 10.30 o'clock at which members of the Faculty and several prominent undergraduates will speak briefly. Dean C. N. Greenough '98 will open the informal talks and will be followed by Dr. Alfred Worcester '78, Professor H. H. Burbank G. '15, J. W. Hallowell '01, W. I. Nichols '26, W. L. Tibbetts Jr. '26, J. R. Burke '27 and C. D. Coady '27. At 12 o'clock the visitors will be shown around the University by undergraduate guides.

Lowell Chief Luncheon Speaker

President Lowell will be the principal speaker at the luncheon which will take place at the Union at 1 o'clock and Governor F. S. Billings '85, of Vermont will preside. Professor Alfred N. Whitehead and M. A. Cheek '26 will also address the audience briefly. Following the luncheon, the visitors will be the guests of the Harvard Athletic Association for any of the athletic events on the program which will begin at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field. In baseball, the University nine will meet Amherst and the Freshman diamond team will clash with Worcester Academy. There will also be a track meet with M. i. T. in the Stadium or at Technology Field, and a lacrosse game with Brown on the field behind the baseball stands. Spring football practice will be going on, it is expected, at Soldiers Field.

The feature of the evening's entertainment will be a reading by Professor C. T. Copeland '82 at the Harvard Club following a buffet supper also at the Harvard Club, which will start at 6.30 o'clock. Tickets for the luncheon will be $2, and for the buffet supper 1.50, which may be obtained in Boston at the Harvard Club, and in Cambridge at Wadsworth House, the Union, or from members of the Committee.
