

Dawes' Dash and Lampoon Are Mixed With "There Are Lots of Things You Never Learn in College"

Anticipartory to the opening performance of the Hasty Pudding show next Wednesday, full details about the music and characters were made public yesterday by the managers of the show. Certain particulars in connection with the sale of tickets and the production were also announced.

Somewhat of an innovation will be tried this year in the sale of tickets to Freshman. To encourage more of the first year men to see the show, the Pudding will hold office hours on Monday and Tuesday in the Common Room of Standish Hall.

Graduate night is April 14

The opening night, Wednesday, April 14, is graduate's night and will be open to graduates exclusively. On account of the size of the Hasty Pudding Club, since its amalgamation with the Institute of 1770, somewhat over a year ago, it will even be impossible to admit members of the Club. The first performance open to the public will be the following night, again in the Club's house.

The scenery and costumes for the show arrived last night and the first dress rehearsal, at which pictures of the entire cast will be taken, is to be held Sunday afternoon. Although the plot has not yet been divulged, a general idea of the show can be gleaned from the reports which have come out.


The jokes and times which feature the book and lyrics of the play "1776" cover a period of 150 years. Starting with representative pieces from early revolutionary days the show carries us through periods of changing and diverse nature down to the present.

Charleston Used to Cherry Bounce

Prominent among the pieces of the earlier period is the "Cherry Bounce", a fox trot popular throughout the Southern States in Washington's day. C. E. Henderson '28, the Pudding's leading pianist, has adapted the music of the old country dance to modern stage purpose, and the management has arranged a dance which will give an idea how the bean monde of Charleston amused itself a century and a half ago.

The songs, "If This Be Treason", and "The Minute Men Were Sixty Seconds Late" have a more modern background. The first was suggested by the picture which appeared last year in the famous April number of the Lampoon. The full caption under the picture was "If This Pe Treason, Make the Most of It." The Cambridge and Federal authorities were not slow in accepting the invitation and combining to supress the edition of he Lampoon.

Dawe's Dash Set To Music

"The Minute Men Were Sixty Seconds Late" also recalls events considerably less than 150 years old. A few years ago, the Vice-President of the United States founded an organization of modern "Minute Men." A short time after the formation of this order the same Vice-President, as presiding officer of the Senate, was a few seconds late when his vote was needed to sustain the administration on an important question. The authors of the song, E. F. Clark '28, E. F. Craig '16, and J. O. Whedon '27, drew their inspiration for this incident.

The titles of some of the other songs suggest the wide scope of the play. A few of these are "There are Lots of Things You Never Learn in College," "Bed o' Roses" and "We Modern Girls."

The authors of the plot and dialogue, although they refuse to make any definite revolutions about the product of their labor, intimate the scope of the show in their acknowledgement of indebtedness to "Ba num the Bible, and Professor Albert Pushrell Hart in the order named."

Gridiron Men in Feature Roles

The cast of the show takes in students who are noted n college for wide diversity of activities. A great deal of the music has been contributed by Thayer Cummings '26, captain of the 1926 hockey team: Joseph Alner former Ivy Orater, and j. O. Whelon '27, have contributed many of the lyrics: one of the members of George Washington's staff is C. D. Coady '27, captain-elect of the football team: S. F. Daley '27, star guard on the football team for two years, is the villain; and C. S. Gross '27, one of the forwards on the hockey team, is the ingenue.

The Hasty Pudding Club, which is the oldest theatrical organization in America, is giving is eightieth annual production this spring. For many years it give serious plays, but in the seventies changed its policy and has produced musical comedies since that time.

The Western trip which is scheduled for the spring vacation, is the first one that the Club has ever undertaken. One of the features of the trip which has just been announced is that the show will he broadcast at several of its Western productions.
