
"Chilblains, Not Sunburns" Would Have Been Eve's Due Says Fanny Brice in Rage Against Managers Who Skimp Fuel

"Chilblains, not sunburn, is what Eve would have gotten if her Eden was anything like mine," said Miss Fannie Brice in a recent backstage interview with a CRIMSON reporter. Miss Brice was appearing in the realistic Eden staged at the Colonial Theatre by the Music Box Review. While removing the grease paints which, with certain arboreal draperies comprised the most striking part of her costume as Eve in the Colonial Eden. Miss Brice subjected the growing tendency of theatre managers toward economizing on fuel to close scrutiny and rigid censure.

"If we appeared on the stage in our red flannels and coonskins (I wish I had a coonskin) the management would probably complain," she concluded aggrievedly.

The reporter, sparring for a change from this evidently painful subject, asked Miss Brice if she felt very strongly about the censorship question which perennially causes so much have in the ranks of the musical shows. Miss Brice answered briefly and to the point.

"We who are working on the stage dont' care so much about the activities of the censors as the people who come to see us. When the newspapers are full of stories about champagne baths and moral turpitude dragged on the stage everyone crowds to the theatre to see what it's all about. The censors make the boxoffice receipts pile up and so we never object to them and sometimes are glad to see them, not that we do see them as a rule. If a show gets the wrong kind of publicity oftentimes nothing but a few censors hastily called in, and nice scandal, cooked up for the occasion, can save it from the rocks."

When asked as to the reception individual members of the shows and participators in the framed scandals gave the censors, Miss Brice laughed amusedly and said: "The actresses involved in the scandals can as a rule get enough publicity for their names to get them positions with any companies they like and to allow them to ask for big raises in salary. What do they care?"
