

Building Will Be Intellectual Center--Dick Hall House Is Special Infirmary

Within the year Dartmouth College has undertaken the most concentrated and varied building program in the history of the institution. A well rounded program includes the erection of a new library, an athletic field house, a home to be operated in connection with the local hospital to be used as a student health house, a new residence for the President and half a dozen new fraternity houses.

For many years the greatest need of the college has been a new library, and several large gifts were promised upon the demise of the donors. After waiting several years, however, without the finds becoming immediately, available, the trustees recognized that the need was too great to be further prolonged. Plans were made for the immediate construction of a new library, and soon after substantiated by gift of $1,000,000 given anonymously.

Ground Broken in July

Ground was broken during the middle of last July for the building which will become the architectural and cultural center of the college. At present the foundations are nearly completed. The building will be of brick, and in the form of a letter H, allowing for future expansion. It will occupy the large plot of ground north of the College Green. The main structure, capped by a great tower, reminiscent of Independence Hall, will face the campus, while the west wing will look towards the Vermont Hills and end the broad mall extending to the Connecticut river.

Construction on the new building, which will provide shelf room for '550,000 volumes, being discontinued during the winter, work on the superstructure will begin early next spring, and according to present plans, the library will be completed and ready for occupancy by the fall of 1928.


Davis Field House Complete.

The Davis Field House, the gift of H. C. Davis '06, was completed this fall, and dedication services were held previous to the opening football game of the season with Norwich. The building is a three story structure of Colonial design harmonizing with the red brick gymnasium beside which it stands. The Field House has two entrances to Memorial Field for the use of the teams. A tunnel leads from the quarters for visiting teams in the basement, while an iron gate directly above allows the Dartmouth teams to enter the field from their quarters on the first floor. The second story contains additional lockers, a lecture room for the coaches, as well as coaches' living quarters, the third floor consists of one large room which is used for housing the team before games, or for taking care of visiting squads. The Field House is connected with the gymnasium by a split staircase, and is an essential addition to the athletic unit.

Track Sweater in Corner Stone.

Dick Hall's house is a health home donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hall in memory of their son Richard, who died in Hanover in November, 1924. after a short illness. The cornerstone containing Dick Hall's numeral track sweater, a parchment signed by his classmates, and several other documents was laid last June by the class of 1927.

The building, located just north of the hospital on Rope Ferry Road, is nearly completed. It is to be devoted to the care of Dartmouth undergraduates who are ill, or even slightly indisposed, and will provide surroundings congenial and attractive to them. It is designed to present the atmosphere of a social club rather than that of an institution, and a house mother is to be appointed to attend to the social features of the house.

The new home of President Ernest Martin Hopkins is located on Webster Avenue and is now being occupied by the President. The building was the gift of Edward Tuck '62, and is of red brick Colonial style and overlooks Tuck Drive to the rear.
