

University Enters 47 Men in K. C. Meet on February 6--Blue Raoes Crimson in B. A. A. Relay

The complete list of entries for the Knights of Columbus and B. A. A. meets was announced yesterday by the track management, and Coach Farrell's forces are getting into shape for the first two events of the 1926 season.

For the K. of C. games Saturday night the following men have been entered; Shot put, Coleman, Fordyce, Guarnaccia, Millen, Potter and Pratt; high jump, Beal, Hollis, Jenney, Jones and Renouf; 600-yard run, Dayenport, Hall, Kane, Kobes and Koch; 1000-yard run, Boyce, King and Ryan; K. of C. mile, Haggerty, Tibbets and Watters; hurdles Ballentine, Clarke, Greenslet, Henrich, Jones, Learson, Weinstein; Two mile run, Luttman; University relay, Broome, Dunn, Hunneman, Kane, Lundell, O'Neil, Rogers, and Watters; Freshman relay, Coleman, Dorman, Dunn, Hulgman, O'Connell, Sheehan, Smith, Tupper and White; 40-yard dash, Burns and Miller.

Compete for Curley Trophy

The K. of C. mile trophy is presented by Ex-Mayor Curley of Boston, and has been won in the past four years by such stars as Joie Ray, Patrick Mahoney, Lloyd Hahn, and Leo Larrive. Larrivee is expected to run this year. In the dash events Hubert Houben, the German sprinter, and Frank Hussey, national 100-yard champion, are entered. All other events except the two relay races are to be handicap affairs.

In connection with the K. of C. meet, the N. E. A. A. U. championships are to be held, and three men, Brayton, Hall, and Hunnenman have been listed among the entries for the 300-yard dash.


In the B. A. A. games of February 6, Coach Farrell has entered his men in much the such manner. Luttman will be the only distance events, and will run in the Hunter mile for a trophy presented by B. A. A. There will be a pole fault holds the world's record, is excepted to compete. Combs and Clark have been entered in the event. The chief attraction of the meet from the University point of view is the two-mile relay race against Yale.

The winter handicap meet has been planned for Tuesday, February 9 for the running events, and February 16 for the field events.

Among the special events on February 9 will be relay races between the weight men and pole volters, and the high and broad jumpers. Two one-lap relays will be staged, the first between the CRIMSON and the Lampoon, which it is rumored the CRIMSON will win, and the other between the manager of the five major sports.
