

Judges Will Make Decision on Attendance of Hall Choruses During Year as Well as on Singing

The announcements made last night by the Jubilee committee complete the plans for the Freshman dance and song festival which will be held one week from tonight. Last night the judges for the singing contest and the ushers for the dance were announced by the committee in charge.

Before supper the three hall choruses will sing. They will be judged by Mr. W. C. Hellman '00. Instructor in the Music Department of the University; Mr. Harrison Potter, Boston pianist; Mr. A. S. Potter '17, Dr. A. W. Wright '17, who has directed the hall choruses in their preparation, explained last night that, while the judges would mainly consider the singing, attendance during the year, and the number present at the Jubilee will be factors.

Stags Will Be Seated At Supper

It has been decided that stags will be seated at supper, instead of receiving service only at the buffet. The opportunity to sign up for table partners has passed and couples will be seated arbitrarily. Opportunity will still be given stags to obtain tickets at $5 apiece.

The ushers for the Jubilee, as announced by the committee last night, are as follows: W. C. Atwater, Dudley Bell, Nicholas Biddle, L. D. Brayton, J. H. Browne, F. M. DuBois, Gardner Emmons, A. O. Fordyce, D. L. Garrison, R. I. Hunneman, E. B. Jackson, W. A. Magie, William Mulford, W. C. Peet Jr., J. L. Pool, B. C. Tripp, D. P. Tucker, F. H. Van Peski.
