

Squad Leaves for Annapolis Thursday Night--Will Row on Severn Friday--New Course Has Been Laid Out

Last week Coach Stevens devoted his time to correcting individual faults which had cropped out in the Quadrangular regatta with Pennsylvania, Cornell, and M. I. T. on May 9. Yesterday marked a return to the speed work in preparation for the race with Navy on the Severn this Saturday, when the first boat was sent over the course in the Basin in a time trial. The time was not announced.

Captain Kelley's crew will retain the same seating order this week against the midshipmen at Annapolis, as the eight which won on the Charles May 9. Coach Stevens was pleased with the showing of the winning Crimson boat, the greater smoothness of the visiting crews from Philadelphia being explained by their longer time on the water. The small crudities of style are rapidly disappearing, and the eight which faces the Navy this week will undoubtedly be a faster crew than the one which won its first start on the Charles.

Change in Junior Crew

While the first University crew has not changed the seating order, an important change has taken place in the second sheld Canning, who stroked the Junior boat for quite a while last year, and who has been rowing at number two since the beginning of rowing last fall, has been shifted to the stroke position, with Perkins going to number two seat. The change has worked to advantage in the second boat, but there is still a considerable superiority maintained by Captain Kelley's eight in the frequent practice brushes.

The Naval Academy invariably turns out a good crew, its representatives in 1920 being accorded the honor of representing the United States as the Olympic eight. In the two races this year against M. I. T., and Princeton, the Navy had little difficulty in winning by four and six lengths respectively. Due to the varying weather conditions, a comparison of rowing times is seldom of value, but is a fair indication of strength if a similarity in conditions does prevail. In the first time trial of the year on Lake Carnegie, the University eight covered the mile and three-quarter course in nine minutes and 25 seconds. In the Quadrangular Regatta on May 9, the winning Crimson shell was timed in nine minutes and 11 seconds.


University Crew The Navy's Equal

Racing Princeton on May 9, Navy won in nine minutes and 21 seconds. Harvard could undoubtedly have equaled the time of the Navy boat on Lake Carnegie, but the fact that the Annapolis outfit was not pressed gives no accurate determination of power. Sufficient to say that the University will enter the race on Saturday potentially the equal of the Navy crew, and probably a slight favorite.

The University squad, will leave for Annapolis Thursday night, and arrive in Annapolis for at least one row on Friday, and possibly two. A new course has been surveyed on the Severn, and is used this year for the first time. In former years, rough water has frequently handicapped the boats, and delayed the time for starting races, but the new course is reported to secure the most favorable conditions.
