

Will Take Up His Duties This Spring--Watched Squad Practice Formations Yesterday Afternoon

After Charles A. Tierney '22 had watched football practice yesterday afternoon, apparently as only an interested visitor, it was announced to the team that he would be in charge of the line next fall. For the three weeks of spring practice be will be engaged in the general experimentation which is the feature of every spring practice.

For three years he was a student at the University and for two a player on the football team. On the 1920 team he played at center, but he was shifted in 1921 to tackle. After this change he entered the Yale game as regular tackle.

In 1922 and again last fall he acted as line coach for the Freshman team. It was in 1922 when Coach Tierney first instructed the Freshman line that Captain Cheek first met the new coach. Since that time Captain Cheek, has been well acquainted with him and for some weeks this spring has been anxious to secure him as one of the line coaches The football authorities have concurred in this desire, and Coach Tierney will assume his duties immediately.

While the new coach was a spectator the various groups, backs, line, and ends, engaged in individual work. Then the groups were brought together and three teams were formed. These ran through a number of formations and with them several plays were tried out.

This workout was followed by a short passing drill. Through the postponement of the Dartmouth baseball game several baseball men were enabled to engaged in football practice. The first team numbered 35 yesterday. It will be several days before Coach Knox will be in a position to recommend second team men for promotion.


Coach T. J. Campbell, under whom Coach Tierney served as instructor of the 1928 line, said last night, "During the last fall Charles Tierney trained an excellent line for the Freshman team. I heartily endorse his work and shall be interested in his success next fall."

The number of men present for practice from day to day fluctuates as those out for various spring sports arrange for football practice. Despite the varying size of the squads Coaches Fisher and Knox and their aides report gratifying progress.
