

Crawford's Recovery of Own Attempted Field Goal Leads to Blackshirts' Lone Touchdown

The second University eleven defeated Brown Freshmen on Soldier's Field yesterday, 7 to 6, in an evenly contested battle. A drop-kick by Crawford after Cozzens had scored a touchdown in the second period brought the victory to Coach Knox's men.

Brown scored in the first quarter, when Cramer's fumble on his own 5-yard line was recovered by the visitors. Trefe-than plunged through for a touchdown, but Searle's dropkick failed.

The luck was reversed a few minutes later. The Brown center made a bad pass and Lewis recovered the ball on the visitors' 15-yard line. At this point the period ended.

Cozzens Scores

As the second quarter opened Crawford was rushed into the game, but the Brown line held and Crawford attempted a drop kick. The ball went only as far as the line of scrimmage, and after it had been fumbled by several players Crawford himself ran forward and picked it up, reaching the 6 yard line. From there four plays were made before Cozzens tallied.


The summary: Harvard Second  Brown 1929 Morrill, Lord l.e.  r.e. Stewart Lewis l.t.  r.t. Farber Laimbeer, Savory l.g.  r.g. Kevorkian Morris, Duchin, Burke c.  c. Higgins Manly r.g.  l.g. Cohen Hitch, Leach, Hyland r.t.  l.t. H. Cornasweet Gregg, Rudmon r.e.  l.e. Poole Heard, Kelly, Crawford q.b.  q.b. Larkin Goldenson, Garrison l.h.b.  l.h.b. Trefethan Cramer, Cozzens, Cohen, r.h.b.  r.h.b. Crilly Pratt, Donaldson f.b.  f.b. Searle, A. Cornsweet

Score, Harvard Second 7, Brown 1929 6. Touchdowns, Trefethan, Cozzens. Point after touchdowns, Crawford. Referees, D. J. Kelly, Harvard, Umpire, J. H. Gamwell, Brown, Head linesman, G. C. Carens, Boston, Time, 12-minute quarters.
