

12 to 16 Men to Be Retained for Game With Middlebury--Head Cheerleader and Four Others Picked Then

The first step in the cheerleader's competition instituted this year by the Student Council in order to make Harvard cheering more effective will be taken this afternoon, when all candidates for the competition will report to Chairman J. L. Carroll '26 of the committee in charge at 4 o'clock in the stadium.

The competition is open to all undergraduates who are in good standing at the college office.

Competitors are expected to wear white flannel trousers and sweaters, preferably white. Entrance to the Stadium for those in the competition will be through the coaches and players' gate in the wooden stands.

Lundell Replaces Cumings

In outlining the plans for cheerleading this year, Carroll announced the resignation of Thayer Cumings '26 as a member of the committee, and the appointment of C. G. T. Lundell '27 in his place. The other members of this committee are G. D. Debevois '26 and Delmar Leigton '17.


A large number of men are expected out today and after the trials this afternoon the group will be reduced to 12 or 16 men. All of these will be used during the Middlebury game, four men leading the cheers in each quarter. After the game the committee will select a head cheerleader from this group and he will collaborate with the committee in choosing the four remaining cheerleaders from the rest of the squad.

Regulation Uniform Adopted

This year cheerleaders will wear as their uniforms crimson neckties, white sweaters, and white flannel trousers, although the head cheerleader, if he possesses one, may wear an "H".

Practice for the men picked will be held each week, the object being to obtain coordinated power, which has been noticeably lacking in past years.

Another innovation to be adopted is the covering of the whole Harvard side of the Stadium by the cheerleaders. Formerly this has been done only at the Yale game.

At the end of the year all the cheerleaders will receive medals in recognition of their work, and the head cheerleader will be awarded a special insignia and a sweater. He will also help the committee to choose a head cheerleader for next year.

Plans have not yet definitely been arranged.

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