

I am happy to inform a waiting world that I have been signally honored. In view of my skill as a prognosticator, I have been elected an honorary chieftain of the famous tribe of Moron Indians. My tribal name is to be Joe Foot-in-the-Mouth. Far from being puffed up by my new-won laurels, however, I am still writing for the CRIMSON under the same old name which my pen has made famous. To my friends, and I count every CRIMSON reader my friend, I am still plain Joe Forecast.

I was taken for what is technically known to the habitues of the race track as a ride last week. My record as a seer, hitherto 100 per cent perfect, was dealt a crushing blow 'When the last tick of the telegraph told me that Pennsylvania had beaten Yale, I, though I am a real man's man, sat down and wept like a child. For I, the ne plus ultra forecaster (pretty erudite, that) had missed. I had broken faith with my public. Such are life's tragedies.

I considered returning to private life and getting a nice quiet job as weather forecaster for the CRIMSON, but the Monday mails were flooded with condoling letters from my admirers. "I'm really glad, Joe," said one, "It proves you are human after all." And of course I am human. One of my friends has well described me as "a little more than a man, a little less than a god."

So buoyed up by these words of cheer, I am fighting the good fight and essaying a comeback. This evening the clarion call will ring over Cambridge, "Joe Forecast has come back." I may even receive the new O-o-o Rah cheer (I hope not).

The Yale-Brown game is worrying me. I missed last week rating the Blue too high, but I am going to risk the same error again, partly swayed perhaps by the fact that it was at Yale that I prepared for college. I am going to pick Yale to win 13 to 7, but at the same time quietly advise my friends to bet only their easily-spared small change.


Princeton is going to be beaten (I don't like Princeton, and I am going to predict this every week until they are). Colgate is a name to be conjured with. (After careful deliberation I have decided against any feeble shaving-soap joke), and the name of Tryon is to the football world what Joe Forecast is to the world of forecasting.

I have been urged by the Managing Editor to stretch my brief remarks out to fill eleven inches. I guess I have done so, but it has been hard work.

Here are the scores:

Yale 13, Brown 7.

Colgate 14, Princeton 6.

Pennsylvania 10, Chicago 0.

Columbia 34, Williams 0.

Boston College 14, Allegheny 0.

Amherst 27, Wesleyan 0.

Holy Cross 28, Vermont 0.
