

One would think that the gentle tide of ridicule which undermined the labors of Commissioner Hirshfield of New York some months ago would teach all subsequent fools to watch their steps when they seek to purify the wells of American history. Not so. The latest worker for the cause of 1776 percent Americanism is Representative O'Brien, of Dorchester, who has filed a bill in the House to prohibit the hellish poison of falsification from polluting the teaching of the history of the United States.

It is well that some clear-sighted patriot has again taken the lead in this matter. Notwithstanding the horrid hideousness of Commissioner Hirshfield's campaign, Professor Muzzey and his unspeakable colleagues have continued to enjoy the respect and esteem of the country at large, which is apparently unaware of the Bolshevist leaven working in its vitals. If Mr. O'Brien had not raised the banner and declared a holy war of purification, anything might have happened.

Mr. O'Brien congratulates the Sons of the American Revolution and the Knights of Columbus, who have done their part. He now calls to the colors the shock troops of historical research the Elks, the American Legion, the Masons, and the Odd Fellows, ignoring the W. C. T. U. and the Ku Klux Klan. The reason for this slight, in view of the Klan's unparalleled equipment for Americanization work, is unexplained.

All possible power to the gentleman from Dorchester, and every good wish for the success of his campaign! The only whisper one might utter would be a hesitant warning to the effect that, especially in regard to hasty reformers, even an uncontaminated history occasionally repeats itself.
