
Debating Council to Give Dinner

The University Debating Council is holding its first annual dinner in the Faculty Room of the Union this evening at 6 o'clock. Dean Greenough will give the address of the evening. Other speakers will be Professor H. H. Huntington, C. H. Wholden 3G, and R. S. Fanning 11, the last two having coached University teams in the past few years. President of the Council Philip Walker '25 will act as toastmaster.

The policy of giving a dinner as the closing event of the debating year has been undertaken in order that the members of the Council may realize that the Council should be and will be more than a debating organization which rarely meets and then only to get necessary business out of the way. The policy will be pursued in the future, it even being likely that four dinners may be given each year.

At the dinner tonight it is possible that plans for the debate with Oxford next year will be discussed.
