

$5000 Is Available for Graduates in Scientific Work

Applications for Charles A. Coffin Foundation fellowships to be awarded this year must be filed with W. W. Trench, Secretary, Charles A. Coffin Foundation, Schenectady, New York, by April 15. Application blanks may be obtained from him.

These fellowships are given in electricity, physics, and physical chemistry, and are available to graduates of the universities, colleges and technical schools of the United States who have shown, by the character of their work, that they could, with advantage, undertake or continue research work in educational institutions either in this country or abroad. The committee in charge desires to award the fellowships to men who, without financial assistance, would be unable to devote themselves to research work. Six were awarded last year. Applications from Seniors as well as graduates will be allowed, but any award to a Senior will be conditioned upon his being graduated.

Five thousand dollars has been made available by the Foundation for this purpose. The fellowships carry a minimum allowance of five hundred dollars each, which may be increased to meet the special needs of applicants to whom they are granted.
