


With the completion of the winter inter dormitory series which Gore won by an essay margin, complete plans for the organization of the spring required exercise programs were announced by the Department of Physical Education last night. Men who have been working out under winter sports will be required to choose some other from of exercise, and file announcement of this change with Mr. Van Wyck in Wedsworth House.

Candidates for Freshman crew have been working out under Coach Shaw for some weeks now, and men who qualify for the first three crews will be directly under his charge. Coach Herbert Halnes, will be in charge of the dormitory crews. Crew in past years has attracted more men than any other sport, drawing over two hundred, candidates last year, and indications are that the present Freshman class, the largest in the history of the University, will give an even greater number of candidates to crew.

Single Sculling Begins April 7

Because of considerable confusion during the first week that crews go on the river, single sculling will not begin until April 7. Coach E. A. Wachter, head coach of the University basketball team will be in charge of sculling this year.

Candidates for baseball are reporting regularly to Coach Davidson, and at present, no effort has been made to reduce the squad. S. B. Chase 3L., who coached the Freshman basketball team during the past season, will be in charge of baseball. The same conditions that prevailed during football last fall will apply to baseball, men being raised to the first squad if they show ability. During the football season, three Freshmen who played with their dormitory teams all year, were raised to the first squad just before the Yale game, and subsequently won their numbers. The same opportunity will be offered candidates for the baseball team.


Farrell in Direct Charge of Track

Track will begin on April 7, with a meeting of all candidates at the Union. Freshmen will be under the direct supervision of Coach Farrell and his staff of assistants, and no dormitory director will be assigned to conduct Freshman activities. Freshmen who elect track as their sport will be required to report at least the minimum number of three times a week; their attendance being checked by assistant managers.

Squash sections will be discontinued at the end of next week, tennis beginning on April 7, when the courts on Soldiers Field will have been commissioned, and ready for use. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons these courts will be set aside exclusively for the use of Freshmen who select tennis as their form of required exercise. Last fall, overflow periods on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday were used, and the Department of Physical Education has announced periods will be established those days if necessary. W. H. Sayer 2L., who has been in charge of squash at the Freshman Athletic Building this winter, will again supervise tennis on Soldiers Field. At present a number of candidates for the Freshman tennis team are reporting regularly to Coach Cowles at the Freshman Gymnasium.

Equitation Will Start Monday

Lacrosse has begun, with men reporting daily to Coach Herbert. Golf this year will be restricted to those Freshmen who are selected to compose the first squad. Swimming will be continued for those men who have not yet learned to swim. Monday, March 31, has been set as the day when Freshmen taking courses in the Military Science Department of the University may resume their equitation exercise. Spring football will begin shortly after the spring recess, and Freshmen who intend becoming candidates for the University team may elect that sport during the three weeks it will continue.

Mr. Fradd will keep up his corrective excise classes throughout the spring and also his weight reducing class. Mr. Neudorf will be available for physic therapy treatment in Hemenway. Handball is the only sport which will be conducted regularly, four sections meeting at 2, 3, 4, and 5 o'clock, on the outside courts at Hemenway Gymnasium. Mr. Herbert Walker, 1G.Ed. will be in charge.
