

Undefeated University Foilsmen Will Oppose J. Sanford Saltus Squad

This afternoon at 3.15 on the main floor of the Hemenway gymnasium the University fencers will meet the J. Sanford Saltus Club team of the New York French Y. M. C. A.

The match will probably provide the closest and most Interesting struggle of the season, as the J. Sanford Saltus club is composed of older experienced amateurs, many of whom have been members of the American Olympic teams.

Captain H. E. Twyfford, entered in both the foils and dueling swords matches, is considered the most formidable fencer on the team. In 1922 he was runner-up, and in 1923 he was the winner of the Junior National Championship, in which all of the best amateur fencers compete. "His fencing is of the 'slambang', fighting type" was the verdict of a member of the Crimson team who has fenced with him. Jules de Vigno is a well-known French amateur and Warren Dow, a former Columbia fencer, is a member of the Fencers' Club Epeo team, which lately won the club championship in New York. "They all learned to fence in France", said Captain E. H. Lane--" and have acquired a certain steadiness and calm, which will really test the team's powers. Above all, the match will be of great help in preparing for Yale."

The University will line up with Captain H. H. Lane '24, E. L. Lane '24, and Roland Floor '24 in the foils events and F. W. Saunders '24 and London Snedeker with the duelling swords.

The J. Sanford Saltus team will be composed of Capt, H. E. Dwyfford, Jules de Vigne, and Warren Dow with the foils, and probably Twyfford and Dow with the duelling swords.
