

When the Reverend Dr. Percy Stickney Grant speaks this afternoon at the Phillips Brooks House, members of the University will have an opportunity to hear a man who is not only an outstanding figure in his profession, but who is one of the leaders of the controversy which has been holding the attention of almost every one for the last twelve months. It was Dr. Grant who, in a sermon to his New York congregation slightly over a year ago, started the battle-royal between the Modernists and the Fundamentalists which has flamed intermittently ever since from Maine to Texas.

Even though they occur in fields in which major dissentions are usually considered inappropriate, controversy and argument are healthy sings. In the present instance, in spite of being occasion-ally disturbing to those of orthodox convictions, they are most significant in demonstrating that religion is not at all, as has sometimes been feared, a dead issue. That this will be even more apparent this afternoon is assured by Dr. Grant's long established reputation as a speaker of unusual eloquence and force.
