

Tiger Team, Victims of Harvard Attack, Have Won From Yale-Chisholm and Hodder to See Action Tonight

New Haven, Conn., February 29,- Chisholm is much improved since his accident in a game with the New Haven Bears two weeks ago, and it has been decided to start him at center against Harvard tomorrow. Harvard  Yale Austin, l.w.  r.w., Scott Chase, c  C., Chisholm Beals, r.w.  l.w. Turnbull Hammond, l.d.  r.d., O'Hearn Ctosby, r.d.  l.d., Sargent Cumings, g.  g., Jenking

Much has been happening in the Big Three hockey world since the Elis trounced the Crimson 3-0 three weeks ago today in the Boston Arena. Much that has happened has been unexpected, but it bears all the more significantly on tonight's clash at New Haven.

Early in the week after Harvard's last contest with the Blue, Hodder fractured a bone on his hand, while a few days later Chisholn banged his knee in a practice session with the New Haven Bears. The Crimson right wing had proved himself a baffing stick-handler, and Coach Winsor had to devise a radical shake-up to fill his place. Bodder has been practicing with the team for the last week, but he still lacks the strength in his aiming hand to make his shots at the same time fast and accurate. He is expected to see action some of the time tonight.

Chisholm, who is a Senior, spent several days in the infirmary after his smash-up, and did not get into uniform for the Princeton game. His loss produced less commotion in the line-up than did Hodder's, for Coach Wanamaker was able to use Ferguson in his place at center without making any other shifts. Ferguson has been the regular substitute for Chisholm throughout the season and has performed so effectively that the forward line has suffered little by the change. Chisholm has been practicing with the squad this week, how-

ever, and will be able to take part in the fray this evening.


If the sick-list complications end in a stalemate, the comparative scores for the intervening three weeks shed little more light. Harvard defeated by a 2-1 margin the same Tiger Outfit that four days later shut out Yale 1-0, but in turn the Crimson slumped, and bowed to Dartmouth 4-3. In the minor games the Elis downed B. U. 6-0, Williams 5-0, and Cornell 4-3, while the Crimson was taking an 8-1 pasting from the B. A. A. and beating Hamilton 5-2.

Strafegy will be among the most important features of tonight's clash, particularly in the light of the present trend of the Big Three season. Coach Wanamasker is expected to employ the same cautious tactics which won him the initial Crimson contest and lost his second engagement with the Tiger. Even before the Blue had obtained any lead over Harvard at the Arena three weeks ago, it was a common sight for three men to be playing in the Eli defense line. As the game wore on the Yale outfit left the attack more and more to individual sallies, but this same policy resulted in a zero score against the Orange and Black.

This evening's set-to should illustrate the clash of the two different systems, if Coach Wanamaker runs true to form, as the Crimson mentor is almost as certain to pursue his usual scheme of pushing his attack to the limit. Whatever the strategy, the Big Three championship is at stake tonight, and both teams are well aware of the fact
