

An Attractive Program of Music and Readings Has Been Arranged for the Phillips Brooks Reception

For those, members of the University who find it necessary to remain in Cambridge during the Christmas holidays, there have been arranged two entertainments. These are the reception given by President and Mrs. Lowell on Christmas Eve and the Phillips Brooks "open house" on the evening of Christmas day.

According to official University statistics there are over 500 men who live so far from Cambridge that they will be unable to join their families for the festivities during the Christmas Recess. Of this number, 200 live on the Pacific Coast and 24 in the various United States possessions. Some of them, of course, have friends in the east with whom they can spend the holidays, but most of them find it impossible to do so, and it is for their benefit that the various entertainments are being planned.

President Receives Christmas Eve

President and Mrs. Lowell have invited all students remaining in Cambridge to their annual reception which will be given at their home at 17 Quincy Street on Christmas Eve at 8 o'clock. This entertainment, however, will not interfere with President and Mrs. Lowell's usual reception tomorrow afternoon between 1 and 6 o'clock.

The Phillips Brooks "open house" will take place on Christmas day, Thursday, December 25th, at 7.30 o'clock. The doors, however, will be opened at 6.30 o'clock to all those who wish to come in at that time.


Will Decorate P. B. H.

The building will be decorated with Christmas greens and a Christmas tree, to give it a fitting and festive appearance for the occasion. The complete program is as follows:

1. Selections from the New Testament and John Milton's "Nativity" read by Professor C. R. Lanman of the Department of Ancient Languages.

2. Christmas Carols led by Mr. J. E. Bagley.

3. Selected readings by Miss Florence Day of the Emerson College of Oratory.

4. Christmas Carols led by Mr. J. E. Bagley.

5. Selected readings by Miss Day.

6. Sleight of Hand Exhibition by Mr. Richard Cartwright.

After the entertainment refreshments will be served for all those present.

Many Have Attended in Past

In the past as many as 150 guests have attended the "open house" and other similar functions given by the Phillips Brooks House during the Christmas Recess.
